Baltimore Personal Injury Firm Advocates for Auto Accident Victims
Maryland Attorneys Help Injured Clients Obtain Fair Compensation
Sustaining injury in an automobile accident that was caused by another driver is a frightening and often confusing experience, compounded by the fact that injured people often have very little, if any, experience with the legal system.
That’s where Collins Legal Group, LLC, in Baltimore comes in. We focus on auto accident cases and pride ourselves on being very thorough in our investigations and precise in our presentations.
Some of the damages that our clients have been able to recover in auto accident claims include:

- Accident-related medical expenses, present and future
- Lost wages
- Diminished earning capacity
- Permanent injury and disfigurement
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional trauma
- Loss of enjoyment of life
Our legal team will work hard to explore all avenues, consider all possibilities, and pursue all options for you.
Maryland Automobile Accidents: Why They Happen
According to Maryland’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan, the top causes of automobile accidents in the state include:
- Distracted driving. Over 27,000 Maryland residents are injured in distracted driving-related accidents annually.
- Impaired driving. More than 800 people lost their lives in preventable accidents involving drunk or drugged drivers in the past five years.
- Aggressive driving. Speeding and other forms of aggressive driving account for about one in three automobile accident injuries and fatalities in Maryland.
- Failure to wear seat belts. An average of 80 people in Maryland are injured in car crashes each week because they failed to buckle up.
There were 530 fatalities on Maryland roads in 2019, a 3.7 percent increase over the previous year. Most of these crashes are the result of preventable human error, but Maryland officials have a plan for that – the Toward Zero Deaths Plan.
Maryland has a five-year plan to cut the number of traffic fatalities and severe injuries in half by 2030. The Toward Zero Deaths Plan focuses on driver education, road engineering, traffic enforcement, and emergency medical services to reduce aggressive, impaired, and distracted driving. The plan stresses highway infrastructure, seat belt use, as well as pedestrian and bicycle safety. Christine Nizer, head of Maryland’s Motor Vehicle Administration, said in a 2019 Baltimore Sun report: “Being a safe and responsible traveler is an action each person can take every time they get in a vehicle.”